EZIE Science Workshops

As EZIE is set to launch in late 2024 or early 2025, this workshop serves as a pre-launch invitation to the science community. By engaging in an open forum format, we aim to ensure that the key areas of EZIE are thoroughly discussed and explored.

What Is the EZIE Mission?

The Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer (EZIE) is an innovative multi-satellite mission that images the magnetic fingerprint of intense electrical currents flowing in the upper layers of Earth’s atmosphere. EZIE will image the magnetic signature of the ionospheric electrojets using the Zeeman splitting of the O2 thermal emissions originating from around 80-km altitude. EZIE’s three SmallSats each carry a microwave electrojet magnetogram (MEM) instrument for multipoint vector magnetic field measurements proximate to the source current. EZIE is thus an innovative magnetic field mission that does not carry a magnetometer. EZIE will address two primary science questions that have remained elusive because of observational limitations:

[Q1] What is the structure and evolution of the auroral electrojet segment of the substorm current wedge?

[Q2] To what extent is the auroral electrojet modulated by localized (hundreds of kilometers) current segments?

EZIE’s science augmentation characterizes the spatiotemporal structure of equatorial electrojets and explores the physical mechanisms of their generation, resulting in EZIE’s third science question.

Supplementary Science:
[Q3] What are the characteristics of the equatorial electrojet dynamics and structure?

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